& bars

Discover the cuisine of our new restaurant "Le 1809" or sample regional specialities at the Stübli.

Want to unwind after a busy day? Enjoy a cocktail or glass of wine in the relaxed atmosphere of the Bar, or take a breath of fresh air on the Deck, our panoramic terrace.

+41 27 564 40 41

background veins

Transalpine flavours at 1809 or Swiss fondue and raclette at Stübli 

Discover the cuisine of our new restaurant "Le 1809"

At the Stübli, you don't change a winning team: a variety of fondues and the very best in alpine raclettes. 

Restaurant of the Eringer Hotel in the 4 Valleys in Switzerland
The 1809
Fondue at the Eringer Hotel's transalpine restaurant in the 4 Valleys region of Switzerland
Stübli cheese restaurant

A cosy apéritif at the Bar or a festive, gourmet après-ski on the Deck terrace

Sit comfortably in front of our fireplace or enjoy the view from our terrace, our bartenders will take care of you.

Cocktail at the bar of the Eringer Hotel in the 4 Valleys in Switzerland
Dish to share at the Eringer Hotel restaurant in the 4 Valleys area of Switzerland
Enjoy 20% off on your February stay with the code LASTMINUTE2023